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Currently Offered Courses (Scandnavian) - Spring 2024

SCAN 101 - Beginning Scandinavian I

First course in the Scandinavian language sequence (usually Swedish). Instruction is by immersion, emphasis is on basic skills: reading, writing, speaking, and aural comprehension.

SCAN 103 - Intermediate Scandinavian I

Third course in the Scandinavian language sequence (usually Swedish). Emphasis is on conversational skills, discussion techniques and aural comprehension through the study of authentic texts, television and films, with emphasis on learning about contemporary issues in Sweden, including its relationship to the European Union. Instruction is by immersion. Prerequisite: SCAN 102 or consent of instructor.

SCAN 215 - Madness, Myth, and Murder

Focuses on the achievements of major Scandinavian writers of prose fiction, from 1850 to today. Explores topics of madness, myth, and murder in literature. All reading, discussion, and writing in English. Same as CWL 215.

SCAN 251 - Viking Mythology

Studies pre-Christian beliefs of the Germanic peoples as reflected primarily in medieval Icelandic prose and poetry (in translation). Same as CWL 251, MDVL 251, and REL 251.

SCAN 376 - Children and Youth Literature

Explores the understanding of childhood and youth in Scandinavia, with comparative focus on the US and the UK through children's literature and classic accounts of childhood in fiction, film, and related media. Will investigate how childhood is construed in books self-described as children's literature as well as in adult-audience fiction and memoirs; and how representations of childhood correlate with evolving ideas about family formation, child-rearing, the welfare state, and education in twentieth- and twenty-first century Scandinavia. This is put in comparative context with British and/or US children's literature. Same as CWL 376, EURO 376, and GWS 376. Credit is not given for both SCAN 376 and SCAN 576.

SCAN 493 - Honors Senior Thesis

2 to 4 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours. Prerequisite: Senior standing; consent of instructor.

SCAN 494 - Topics in Scan Languages

Advanced Scandinavian languages instruction. 1 to 4 undergraduate hours. 1 to 4 graduate hours. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 9 undergraduate or 9 graduate hours if topics vary. Prerequisite: SCAN 104 or equivalent as approved by instructor.

SCAN 496 - Special Topics in Scan Studies

Individual study in selected topics, such as individual authors, literary movements, periods, genres, or themes, and Scandinavian culture. 1 to 4 undergraduate hours. 1 to 4 graduate hours. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.