
The Scandinavian Program offers courses in Scandinavian languages (Swedish and Old Norse) and culture courses about literature, film, history, and arts of the Nordic Region. The culture courses are taught in English and span a wide range of topics—from Viking mythology and indigenous peoples of the North to Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales, the plays of Henrik Ibsen, modern Scandinavian design (including IKEA), the welfare state, the European Union, ecological sustainability, and crime fiction.

These courses can be combined to be included in the Scandinavian Studies Concentration for the major in German or in the Minor in Scandinavian Studies.

Language Courses

SCAN 101 First semester Swedish) Beginning Scandinavian I

SCAN 102 Second semester Swedish) Beginning Scandinavian II

SCAN 103 (Third semester Swedish) Intermediate Scandinavian I

SCAN 104 (Fourth semester Swedish) Intermediate Scandinavian II

SCAN 494 (Advanced Swedish) Topics in Scan Languages

SCAN 505 (Beginning Old Norse) Old Norse-Icelandic I

SCAN 506 (Continuing Old Norse) Old Norse-Icelandic II

Culture Courses taught in English

SCAN 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar

SCAN 215 Madness, Myth, and Murder: General Education Course in Literature and the Arts, Western Comparative Culture

SCAN 225 Vikings & Volvos: Scan Culture: General Education Course in Literature and the Arts, Western Comparative Culture

SCAN 251 Viking Mythology General Education Course in Historical and Philosophical Perspectives, Western Comparative Culture

SCAN 252 Viking Sagas in Translation: General Education Course in Literature and the Arts, Western Comparative Culture

SCAN 375 Scandinavian Sexualities

SCAN 463 Ibsen in Translation

SCAN 464 Strindberg in Translation

SCAN 490 The Films of Ingmar Bergman

SCAN 492 New Scandinavian Cinema

SCAN 493 Honors Senior Thesis

SCAN 496 Special Topics in Scan Studies