• 2024-04-03 - Vienna is the historic capital of the multinational Habsburg Empire, a melting pot of language and cultures, and the crossroads between East and West. Salzburg, Prague, Budapest, and Munich are only a few hours away, while a day's train ride takes you to Venice or Paris-- via the Orient Express. Participation in the program gives you the opportunity to develop German language fluency and an...
  • 2024-04-03 - German Early Romanticism is characterized by a newly awakened interest in religious practices and institutions: Novalis and Friedrich Schlegel exchange letters discussing their desire to write a new Bible. Friedrich Schleiermacher discovers religion as a ‘taste for the Infinite’ (Geschmack fürs Unendliche). Ludwig Tieck and Wilhelm Heinrich Wackenroder invent the ‘art-loving monk’ (kunstliebenden...
  • 2024-04-03 - Anna Elizabeth Hunt   Dr. Hunt is an assistant professor in the Germanic department.  What is the focus of your current work and/or subject of your current research? My first book is provisionally titled Sites of Grief: Mourning, Politics, Forgiveness. It’s an expansion of my dissertation, “Taking the World by Storm: Forgiveness in the Early Writings...
  • 2024-04-03 - ILIP is a unique educational experience designed to accelerate language learning through an immersive classroom atmosphere that is fun and welcoming. ILIP classes combine language and culture through engaging high-quality activities facilitated by our skilled instructors. You'll receive 30-hours of enjoyable language instruction, which maximizes exposure to the target language to help them meet...
  • 2023-11-15 -   Prof. Hunt receives EU Center grant and affiliation for her GER 199 CHP class: The Holocaust and Discourse of Human Rights, which she is currently teaching for the Campus Honors Program. World War II (1939-1945) marked a dramatic shift in how international communities think about trauma and remember war and other catastrophic events. Focus moved from honoring heroes on the battlefield to...
  • 2023-11-15 - Charlie Webster, who is the Director of the Basic Language Program and the Director of Undergraduate Studies, was awarded a course development grant from the European Union Center to develop a new course about how multilingualism manifests itself in European cities. The award includes a course development stipend and funding for a graduate assistant. “Multilingual European Cities” will be taught...
  • 2023-11-15 - Prof. Hunt was selected to participate in the Inclusive Pedagogy Certificate Program, sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. This highly competitive award will provide 12 selected faculty participants with the opportunity to design or revise syllabi or course materials. Prof. Hunt’s project is to develop...
  • 2023-10-23 - Walker Horsfall joins the department this year as an Assistant Professor. Get to know him and our Scandinavian program. Check out his SCAN 252: Viking Sagas in Translation class this Spring. Follow us on Instagram to learn more about our professors and classes! ...
  • 2023-06-05 - For the Academic Year 2023-24, GLL doctoral candidates Felix Ayanbode and Zack Hader have been awarded, respectively, the competitive Graduate College Dissertation Completion Fellowship and School of Literatures, Cultures &...
  • 2023-05-09 - Professor Emeritus Karl-Heinz Schoeps-Jensen has published Von Hitlers Deutschland zu Trumps Amerikaan autobiographical reminiscence about two brothers, about the twentieth century, and about the legacies of fascism and of war. Hans-Günther Schoeps died aged 24 during World War II, and his...
  • 2023-04-06 - Check out this page for more information about GLL's Fall 2024 offerings. Add a German major or minor, fulfill General Education requirements with a great class, and more!
  • 2023-03-06 - On Friday, March 10 at 3p, the Department of GLL will host a lecture on Zoom by Prof. Chunjie Zhang (University of California-Davis). The talk is entitled "Crisis and Vision of a World Culture: Rudolf Eucken and Carsun Chang's Das Lebensproblem in China und in Europa (1922)." This talk is part of our lecture series on "Making a Difference in German and Scandinavian Studies."...
  • 2023-02-24 - Profs. Regine Criser (UNC-Asheville) and Ervin Malakaj (Univ. British Columbia) will offer a graduate-student workshop, followed by a department conversation, on Friday, March 3, 2023 at 3p and 4p Central, respectively, on Zoom. The workshop is on "Being in Community: A Relational Model for German Studies," and the conversation is on "Epistemic Flexibility and the Imperative for Community in...
  • 2023-02-16 - Kaffeestunde will be wunderbar in Fall 2023! We meet at Espresso Royale on Goodwin and Oregon in Urbana on Wednesdays at 5p. Join us for lively German conversation--all levels welcome! Some instructors offer extra credit for attendance. Questions? Contact Andrew Schwenk...
  • 2023-02-13 - The Renaissance Society of America (RSA) awards various prizes for excellence each year. Congratulations to GLL Professor Emerita Mara Wade, who, together with her team, received one of this year's Digital Innovation Awards!  The RSA’s Digital Innovation Award recognizes excellence in digital projects that support the study of the Renaissance. This year two prizes have been...